Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Old Year

I will continue posting about Africa soon, but I have something else on my heart right now. Christmas....a time of great celebration, remembering Christs birth, and sharing love and gifts. This year we celebrated, but our hearts were also heavy remembering those who are freshly grieving the loss of a loved one or remembering. Shine Inc., the business Chris started the first year we were married, celebrated Christmas together on Dec. 22. While we had a lot of fun, Chris challenged all of us regarding our relationship with Christ. He went on to talk about Ross, a friend who worked at shine and died this year at the age of 32 and Matt...also a shine employee who died his senior year in High school. Chris shared that none of us know when our time may be and do we know where we will be when that happens? Two days later, at the age of 37...a massive heart attack...a father, husband, and son died. This is our dear neighbors son and the lawyer and friend Chris had been meeting with regarding the Shine franchising. As I look out my kitchen window..washing our dishes from our celebration here, I see our neighbors home and know that on the other side of those walls there are tears and mourning.

The year of 2011, we have been touched by the very unexpected deaths of several friends. It has really impacted us in that we don't know the day or the hour when it will be our last. We are so good at planning for our future here and living for the future. We really don't know if we will live through tomorrow. God impacted us through each of the 5 funerals we attended this year, but the one that stands out most is Derek and Dylan Taatjes. A youth leader, in his 30's, sleeping on couch and his little baby son sleeping in his crib. A fire breaks out in the basement and the carbon monoxide from the fire takes them home before they even awake. They died peacefully and now they live gloriously! Many of Dereks friends came up and shared about Derek. The thing they all said was; if you know Derek...you will hear about Christ. He lived his faith and shared his faith. We left this funeral desiring to be more, share more, and not waste the time God has given us here.

In 2012, it is my goal to live 'Today' and not for tomorrow. To take time for the things that matter and let go of the things that I think matter so much and really don't. To run the race God has for me and our family while not running ahead of God. To let him take the lead. To surrender all that I have because its not mine anyway and when that day comes that He does take me home.....none of it will come with me. This is why I love the verse in the Bible that talks about storing up treasures in heaven...not on earth where moths and dust destroy. I remember reading something that compared it in a way that if you knew there was a stock that could make you millions or billions in a few years.....would you invest ALL you could? Well, we have soooooo much more than that awaiting us in heaven.....and where do we...(I inluded) spend most of our time, money, and energy?.....on the things that will some day be destroyed by dust...rust...and eventually fire. Today, I am tired of the latest fashion clothing, pottery barn decor, TV, toys...toys..toys.., the Mall......you get the picture. And don't get me wrong...some days I love it...I do love to shop, decorate, and enjoy the 'comfortable' life I live here........but in 2011, I have started loving them less. God is breaking my heart more and more with what breaks his, helping me to trust Him to do things that seem a little crazy and helping me to SURRENDER....(the word of the year)

Remembering those who have run the race and crossed the finish line and the ones who are still running and missing them this holiday season.

1 comment:

Tami said...

Thanks for sharing this Michelle. I love the part near the end where you write that you "have started to love them less."
I too pray that God would loosen my grip on the things of this world-so I may hold fast to Him alone.