Monday, April 16, 2012

100 Day Campaign

As we begin a 100 day campaign in which during this time we hope to raise the support needed to serve in Uganda, I was reminded in James 4 that ....'we do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."

We can plan all we want and in the end, it is God's plan that will happen. It was a good reminder as we begin this 100 day campaign in which Lord willing we will raise the funds needed before we leave for our final training in July. We are so excited about being at 20% of our monthly support with 14 partners! God is good! Initially, I have to say that I was a little nervous to meet with people about being part of our support team. We were given a different perspective at International Teams, during training, when they shared that God is the one working in the hearts of those He has already prepared to be part of this ministry...they are giving to God...and God is giving to us. Our job is praying that God will connect us to those people.  The time we have spent meeting with people and sharing our story and calling to Uganda has been incredible.

Please pray for us during these next few months as we send out letters, meet with people, and trust in God's perfect plan of provision.

Below is a picture of a jar that was given to us by our 6 year old niece and nephew. I wish you could have seen their faces when they presented us with it. My nephew worked all day on the farm with his grandpa and the 2 dollars he earned went right in the jar. They saved up 55 dollars! They wanted this money to go to help the orphan children of Uganda. It reminded me of the lemonaid stand our neighbor hood kids did two summers ago to raise money to help Kidist come home. They are getting a head start in storing up treasure in heaven!

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