Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer 2012

What we have been up to this Summer:
Being crazy with the Sliedrecht kids!

Turning 7!!!
Being Brothers....never ending wrestling
Camping at the Conference Grounds with the Mulders!! 
Camping at Hoffmaster State Park with Friends
Having fun with our friends at the Eerdmans
Spending Hours on the Tramp at the Cheeks

Graduating from International Teams Training in Elgin, IL (with Scott Olsen-president of Iteams)
 Doing the dishes in our apartment at international teams....yes, there are still dishes here in Elgin
 having fun with the kids at international teams....
Visiting a Hindu Temple....

 Debriefing...while eating ice cream

  playing in the yard at international teams
Getting ready for football
 Eating a gourmet meal with the MIT Team! Thanks Kathryn!!

 Spending time in class with Suzie Ingles- Director at Iteams
 Meeting new people...The Girls...serving in Turkey, Uganda, Bolivia, and Austria!
Learning a little German Dance
 smiling and laughing a lot
Meeting families serving all over the world
Chris and Erik

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