Monday, July 2, 2012


We are overwhelmed by the goodness of God, His provision, and all of the friends and family He has brought together to join with us in being the hands and feet of Jesus to the people of Uganda. We are overwhelmed with the idea of thanking each and everyone of you and how to truly let you know how grateful we are.

A huge thank you to my sister Lisa who used her gifts and time to organize the Golf Event at Pigeon Creek this past Friday. Thank you to all our family and friends who helped her make it happen and to the golfers, hole sponsors, silent auction donators, and families who came out to enjoy the night with us! The evening raised 13,000 dollars toward our start up fund, which brought us to our goal!

Lisa and Mom getting the registration table ready for all the golfers (Over 80 of them!)
A Beautiful Day for Golf!

Dinner Break for the Golfers
The Golfers Personal Cook (thanks Dad)
Fun on the Golf Course
After Golf Fun

Thank You Red Wagon Treats and Lisa Gemmen for the Yummy Ice Cream that kept everyone cool!!

Thank you Kara, Wendy, Kaedyn, and Lesli for the Handmade Bird Baths, Local Honey, Jewelry, and Ugandan Necklaces!!

The Grill Master! Thanks Scott

The Amazing and Organized Check Out Team! (thanks mom and Lesli!)
Thank You Pigeon Creek Golf Course!

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